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I can do

for you


Portugal is a marvellous place to raise a family. The climate is good, the air is clean, and the people adore children. Of course, there are many important decisions to be made when you move to a new country, and one of the most important is surely, what school will my child go to.

Happy children learn best. I’m here to help you find the right school for your child.

Here’s how it works:





Contact me by phone or email and explain exactly what you need. There is no charge for this initial contact.



Fill in a questionaire so we can get a clear overview of your needs.



Once you have returned the questionnaire, we will have another conversation, in person or by Skype. I can tell you all about schools in Portugal and answer any questions you may have. This service costs €60.



Now you can decide three things:


sign up for the Elite Package: up to three days of research and advice about which schools are most likely to suit your child. I will also accompany you on visits to up to three schools, or visit them on your behalf. We will then talk again, to make sure you are entirely satisfied with your choice. The cost of the Elite package is €500 plus expenses.


sign up for the Basic Package: up to two days of research and advice on schools so that you can visit the schools and make your decision. The Basic package costs €250 plus expenses.


(It is always possible to upgrade from the Basic Package to the Elite and to buy more hours if required. It is entirely up to you how many.)


leave it at that. Take the general information I’ve given you and use it to help you in your search for the right school.


And in the meantime there is plenty of opportunity to answer questions about anything and everything about schools, from uniforms to lunches to the school bus to after school activities, both in and out of school. What to do at weekends, what’s the weather going to be like.

Schools in Portugal, relocation, consultancy in education.

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